One of the walks around Littlebury Green skirts the Audley End estate – with a blubell wood –
and banks of cowslips
– a snail feeds on a nettle –
– and what a beautiful flower white deadnettle is when you look closely –
– and dogs mercury is coming into flower with its spiky inflorescences –
John Clare noticed this early-flowering plant in ’Morning Pleasures’ –
Where mid the dark dog-mercury that abounds
Round each moss-stump, the woodlark hides her nest.
– and a stinging nettle in its full spring glory –
– country folklore recommends nettle juice combed through the hair as a cure for both baldness and dandruff –and as a hairwash to improve the colour and glossiness of hair – and at this time of year nettles make wonderful soup (pick them with gloves on though!) –
The wood is sweet, I love it well
In spending there my leisure hours
To look the snail its painted shell
And search about for curious flowers
John Clare